posted @ 2011年11月23日 17:00
in Linux
, 4528 阅读
find . -type f -exec grep "string" {} \; -print
find . -type f -regex ".*\.c " -exec grep "string " {} \; -print
2011年11月24日 16:19
这种情况为了速度我一般是locate -r XXXX|grep `pwd`
2022年8月02日 15:25
BI is the biggest public sector bank in India and in the recent times the bank has made huge progress with respect to the technology and making it one of the most advanced banks, where most of the services at the bank can be performed in online without the requirement of any bank official. Similar is the case with the net banking facility, SBI Retail An account holder of SBI can register for the internet banking facility with out the need of visiting the customer bank branch, but there are few things which needs to be fulfilled by the customer to register for the net banking facility from home or office to avail the online facilities like SBI ATM PIN generation, funds transfer, account transfer and more.
2022年9月21日 18:24
KSEEB SSLC Question Paper 2023 for Karnataka 10th Hindi Language Model Paper 2023 Pdf with Answer Solutions Download for 3rd Language Model Set and Mock Test Question Paper for Theory, Objective, and Multiple Choice Questions. Karnataka 10th Class Hindi Model Paper Karnataka state class 10th students can download the third language KSEEB SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 2023 with suggested answer solution for theory, objective, and multiple-choice questions(MCQ) bit paper for all SA, FA, Term and Annual final examination tests to the academic year of 2022.